Friday, August 31, 2012

Strategic Planning - Baldrige Assessment Case Study for Category 2 - a way to measure the success of TQM

In my previous article titled: Measuring Success of TQM published [June 3, 2006 08:50:17 am], I wrote about Baldrige Values ​​and concepts, and the method of the Baldrige assessment. In this issue, I will provide an overview of the common results of evaluation in the Baldrige Criteria Category 2 - Strategic Planning for companies to be evaluated by a team of qualified assessors and experts. It is provided in the form of case studies which include criteria of synthesis, as described in 2001 Baldrige Criteria (source:, the results of evaluation in terms of strength and room for improvement.

There are seven categories in the Baldrige Criteria. In this article, I will be bold with the category listed below: -

Leadership | Strategic Planning | Customer and Market Focus | Information and analysis | Human Resource Focus | Process Management | Business Results

Summary Criteria Category 2 - Strategic Planning

The Strategic Planning Category examines how your organization develops strategic objectives and action plans. Also examined are how your chosen strategic objectives and action plans are deployed and how progress is measured.

2.1 Development Strategy

Describe how the organization defines its strategic objectives, including strengthening its competitive position and overall performance.

2.2 Distribution Strategy

Describe how your organization converts its strategic objectives into action plans. Summarize the action plans of your organization and its key performance measures / indicators. Project organization's future performance on these measures or key performance indicators.

Mutual strengths

A systematic process of strategic planning is in place. It 'used since 1998 and has gone through several phases of improvement based on feedback from the team management
A planning horizon is presented for the entire process of Strategic Planning. Each activity prior to strategic planning workshop is completed immediately. Data collection and analysis is systematic and quantitative
Strategic deployment is planned using a systematic tree diagram to articulate the key actions, Target and datelines. Periodic reviews of these key actions are scheduled meetings of key companies
Common area for improvement
Although there is periodic review on the status of key actions, there is a recovery plan to further improve the key actions is not able to meet the target set
Although there are better teams within companies, none of the improvement projects has a direct impact on key actions of the Strategic Plan
There is no alignment cross departmental action plans and key goal at the company level Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

In summary, the results above are only sample of common evaluation. Normally, a full progress report is given to the company being evaluated. The report should include details and rating. This is a value-added feedback to senior management to use as input for the Strategic Planning. My next article will share a case study of assessment of market and customer focus, category 3 .......

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