Friday, July 6, 2012

Adverla, Social Network for Internet Governance in

Invisible Group Adverlan Adverlan advertising is the first association in the world to manage unseen audience.

No web media, advertising on the Internet is impossible. In our group we want to prove that the internet is the internet users and that without us, the publicity would be invisible. What do we offer our advertisers? Our advertisers will participate in the first network in the world of advertising ethics.

Have ability to target their campaigns, select your target audience and see exactly where they invest their money. In addition, all holders of our network will have high quality content. Earn money in a transparent way in our association.

Our purpose is to provide the best possible network of sites. Only the union of webmasters and online media creators, we have the best Internet media network and get advertising revenue in a transparent manner.

Join us and we will show.

Adverlan is not an affiliate network, is the first cooperative association of media on the Internet with an international character.

Any website, blog or forum may be part of our network. The only condition is to have original content, quality and content is not morally wrong.

The network is not exclusive, and can be cross-platform advertising as long as the content of the other dealers not to the prejudice of the ethical principles of their content Adverlan fault.

The main strength of the association is the imposition of payment methods in CPM and sponsorship. As Internet content creators have to prove that without our websites, it is impossible to work in Internet advertising. If you belong to our group, just send us your relevant information through our web form. Take our strategy ADVERLAN 09/09/09 Adverlan is not a network affiliate, is the first cooperative association of media on the Internet. Adverlan is a group to manage the publicity of the websites associated with international reach.

Adverlan The group was founded with the idea of ​​giving power and negotiating capacity on all sites with relevant content and quality of visits, so far, one can use opaque affiliate networks to insert advertising on their sites.

The goal is to be the first Adverlan cooperative online media and create a community of great introduction to the advertisers have to contact directly to negotiate the inclusion of advertising.

We are also a central online advertising management in which its members, webmasters, bloggers and content creators on the Internet, have total control over the advertising that appears on their supports and the revenue they generate.

Transparency and clarity of transactions are the main part of the philosophy of our group and any member has the right and duty to promote it and pass it on.

Any website, blog or forum may be part of our network. The only condition is to have original content and that content is not morally reprobable.Anunciantes Adverlan Adverlan ADVERLAN Advertisers advertising network is an affiliate network, cooperative association is the first online media. Our operation is equal to the thousands of existing affiliate networks, but our capacity is enhanced by the involvement of partners. The values ​​of the grouping is based on transparency among partners and advertisers and rigor all the time to make a campaign. Our advertisers will participate in the first network in the world of advertising ethics.

Have ability to target their campaigns, select your target audience and see exactly where they invest their money. In addition, all media will have our network of quality content. If you want to advertise, you just have to contact us. Have access to the complete database. All our carriers are listed clearly for the segmentation of the target is accurate.

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