Friday, July 13, 2012

For nosebleed, Causes and Tips

Bleeding For The NarizPorque nosebleed ... A nosebleed can be scary to see it or have it, but try to stay calm. Most nosebleeds look much worse than they really are. Almost all nosebleeds can be treated at home. If you get a nosebleed, sit down and lean slightly forward. Keeping your head above your heart make your nose bleed less. Lean forward so the blood drain out of your nose instead of on the back of the throat. If you lean back could swallow the blood. This can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Use your thumb and forefinger to squeeze together the soft portion of the nose. This area is located between the tip of the nose and the hard, bony ridge that forms the bridge of the nose. Keep holding your nose until the bleeding stops. Do not miss at least five minutes. If bleeding continues, continue to hold for ten minutes.

You can also place a cold compress or an ice pack on the bridge of the nose.

Once the bleeding stops, do nothing I could do to return to start bleeding again, such as bending over or blowing your nose

But because it happens a nosebleed?

The most common causes are dryness (often caused by the heat inside the home heaters in winter) and put his fingers to his nose. These two things happen simultaneously: when mucus in the nose is dry and crunchy people put more fingers in the nose.

Other causes include injuries, colds, allergies or cocaine use. Children may stick small objects up the nose. Older people may have atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), infections, high blood pressure and blood clotting problems, or they may be taking aspirin interferes with blood clotting. Often can not determine the cause of nosebleeds

Graves are nosebleeds?

Most are not. Most nosebleeds occur in the front of the nose and stop in a few minutes.

A few nosebleeds stem from large vessels in the back of the nose. These nosebleeds can be dangerous. It can occur after an injury. This type of nosebleed is more common in the elderly and is often caused by hypertension, atherosclerosis, daily aspirin use or bleeding disorders. Generally, the higher the patient's most severe bleeding.

You will need medical attention if a nosebleed lasts more than 15 minutes or if it occurs after an injury, like a punch in the face, especially if you think you may have a broken nose. A nosebleed after a fall accident or a car can be a sign of internal bleeding.

The frequent bleeding of the nose can mean that you have a more serious problem. For example, bleeding and bruising can be early signs of leukemia. Bleeding from the nose may be a sign of blood clotting disorders and cancerous and noncancerous nasal

These are the main causes of nose bleeds because, under some tips o you.

Tips on preventing nosebleeds

Keep your child's fingernails short to make it difficult for them to choose their nose. Counteract the drying effects of indoor heated air using a humidifier at night in his room. * Stop smoking. Smoking dries out your nose and also irritates it. * Open your mouth when you sneeze

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