Saturday, August 4, 2012

Guided Meditation: Tips for practicing in your Daily Life

How can meditation change your life?

Different styles of meditation have been practiced for centuries in all cultures, and there are hundreds of different techniques for meditation. Some provide support throughout the process, some focus on relaxation and others are more conducive to help develop a long term practice. Each of us has his own reasons for practicing meditation, and the technique you select is only a means to help achieve the goals you want to achieve through meditation.

Although the main purpose of meditation can be to reach a state of deep meditation and clear your mind for a few minutes to achieve peace and relaxation, there are many physical and mental benefits you can achieve by meditating regularly. People who meditate regularly tend to be more attentive, aware, happy and peaceful. Sleep better at night. In addition to the incalculable benefits offered meditate regularly, medical studies increasingly show that the deep sleep induced by meditation can improve your life powerfully helping you:

Decrease the metabolic rate and heart rate, reducing the workload corazón.Reducir cortisol levels and lactate in the body. Two chemicals associated with high blood pressure estrés.Reducir and cholesterol alto.Disminuir anxiety, depression and irritabilidad.Retardar envejecimiento.Mejorar process air flow to the lungs, leading to breathing fácil.Mejorar the creativity, learning ability and self-realization memoria.Aumentar, feelings of vitality, and rejuvenecimiento.Aumentar happiness and emotional stability. Why start with a guided meditation?

The mind tends to "distracted" when you start to meditate. Suddenly, you feel heat, cold or you think about the amount of things to do. Start with a guided meditation meditation will help among other things, to keep state and "occupy" your mind making it follow the voice.

Guided meditation is a technique which uses a voice to guide the process toward a state of deep relaxation. The voice may be yours or someone else. Some people find it easier to relax and relieve stress if you are guided by another voice. The voice must be soft, slow, and use simple words and ideas welcome.

The practice of meditation with any regularity is as regular exercise. How much more you practice, the easier it is to enter a meditative state.

Guided Meditation: How to start?

For a guided meditation session is more effective in achieving your goals, there are several important components to keep in mind:

Remove all external sensory inputs. Choose a place that is totally silent, or where they can play slow music, soft instrumental bajo.Usa volume very comfortable clothing and close your eyes so you do not distraigas.Si your going to drive your own meditation, begins with a intentionally broad but simple, like "to rest" or "be more aware of my inner self." Inhale and exhale slowly, listen to your breathing and be aware that you feel confusion or resistance vivo.Si as you progress in your meditation, focus is on achieving a state of comfort and relax.No pressures you the final results. Instead of focusing on whether you are "doing the right way," just relax and enjoy the experience. The final results will solos.Siente and more intensidad.Entrénate expresses gratitude to search alegría.Practica calm and meditation as often as possible until it becomes a regular part of your life cotidiana.Meditación Guided: Your guides or guides you?

As mentioned earlier, meditation can be guided through your own voice or through another person. There are lots of guided meditation exercises where you only have to dedicate yourself to listen.

Which method is better?

It depends entirely on you and your comfort. If you carry out your own guided meditation you will have the benefit of flexibility and adaptation to the time of your life you're going through. There you can include the statements as you need and more.

If you use a guided meditation by someone other accounts with the reassurance that you let yourself be guided, without having to be thinking about what to say in every moment. If you've never tried a guided meditation on this site, you can download an audio free trial.

You can vary the techniques until you find one that's right for you, or a variety of techniques to incorporate into your regular routine. Trust your own inner guidance to find which technique is best for you.

Guided meditation will change your life forever. The more you practice meditation, the more you begin to understand, and you'll get in tune with your inner self. From there, the possibilities are endless growth and enlightenment.

If you want to learn more about meditation, please visit our website where you all or you need to know about meditation and the Silva Method.

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