Thursday, August 2, 2012

How to train a puppy to keep it happy, educators and the center of attention of all

Always keep in mind that this little ball of fur that exudes charming and playful tenderness, some day become a great ball hairy, drooling and destructive. Logically ie an exaggeration but can graph what try establish.

Basically, the idea is to raise awareness that although most dogs are not destructive, or aggressive, and annoying, there is the possibility that, without experience in raising a puppy, this can develop habits or behaviors that are not fully compatible with family life. In fact, there are also factors that may be triggering or exacerbating this possibility, and it's good to have in mind beforehand. Eg little space, department without patio unavailability times sharing with dog or high noise pollution can be some triggers misconduct dog often associated stress or boredom.

But looking at everything from the positive side, assuming that the animal has excellent living conditions, and never this puppy develop bad behavior, yet the training is highly desirable. But how to train a puppy without exposure to strict training routines? Very simple: DIY.

There are many manuals, books, websites and courses that will teach you how to train a puppy in a home, using the latest training techniques but without going through the tedious theory. This means that summarizes everything simple and very practical examples proven more than enough to train a puppy some basic obedience and behavior. Through this basic training eg may train puppy hygiene matters, excess barking and good behavior generally or to answer simple commands as sitting, bring objects or stay still.

Click here to learn how I could train my dog ​​without having to leave my house in just a few short weeks.

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