Friday, August 3, 2012

Man In The Present Need to meet His Spiritual Crecimieto

The truth is corrupted with lies as much with silence. Marcus Tullius Cicero

This show features a stage full of conflict, disharmony, where the same planet Earth is increasingly threatened to collapse as in the last years we have been observing, feeling, and suffering the consequences, product and the absence of responsibility human race in its protection, conservation.

Environmental pollution with all its effects and has altered the climate, water, temperature, air, coupled with the exploitation of natural resources without assessing the consequences, show a planet would be destroyed and that corrective measures are not taken, identify more the human race with its conservation, it will disappear soon.

It is a fact that the human race as well Krishamurti put it inside, in his consciousness has not evolved much. The man still looks much like the primitive man - fearful, insecure, forming groups (religious or national), fighting and preparing for war, seeking benefits for himself and hating others. It has now been able to travel to the moon and communicate around the globe in a matter of minutes but still finds it difficult to love your neighbor and live in peace. Modern man is so brutal, selfish, violent, greedy and possessive as primitive man a million years ago, but now may be able to hide in the noble words and thoughts sound.

This unbalanced development of the human being has taken almost a self-destruction. Now is about nuclear war, just a hair from total extinction. The power of increasing knowledge has given big rig is not going right kind of intelligence and vision that are necessary. Why? Why have we evolved psychologically? Is it because we've never focused our attention within, to understand our own mind, thoughts and feelings? We are so happy, so dazzled with our achievements, our "progress? in the outside world, we have totally neglected the inner world of our consciousness. Hatred in the primitive man could have caused only minor damage, the modern man with all his power is far more devastating and we are seeing the consequences every day around us

He must wake up and observed as has been performing and be left mesmerized, catching illusions, superficial, as identified fully with the material that is perishable, transitory as it has neglected its spiritual cultivation, despite warnings many ancient religions of Hinduism as he has left about how important it is to watch the act in the spiritual growth

It is very true what Krishnamurti states, which is a tragedy for our lives that we never have been educated to look at ourselves in the right way. We just brought up to the outside world to learn and something to address their problems. So when you grow up knowing both the outside world and yet be totally ignorant of self, desires, ambitions, values ​​and vision of one's life. We may be well prepared in our work but we are totally confused if pleasure brings happiness, if the desire and attachment are the same thing as love, and why the differences between man and man become inequities. Happiness, love, nonviolence, humility is not something that one can reach directly. They come as a result of the search, self-knowledge and understanding, which cleanses our conscience internally without imposing any fixed opinion, belief or thought patterns. If you see clearly, through close and careful examination, that the pursuit of pleasure does not lead to happiness, then our vision through pleasure in life is altered from the beginning and the pursuit of pleasure vanishes without any effort, sacrifice or deletion.

Then there is a natural austerity which is totally different from self-imposed practice of austerities. So if you really just carried out by our own observation and research, that one is not essentially different from another human being because you share with them the same problems of fear, insecurity, desire, greed, violence, the pain of loneliness and self-interest, which operates on the conscience of us all, then one would not feel so different from another human being. Through our ignorance we give tremendous importance to those on superficial differences between us, as differences in beliefs, property, knowledge, skill, who are all acquisitions.

It's time to make way for changes that generate the necessary steps to determine why we go through this plane, what is our mission, rationale and take action to keep us alert, awake in favor of our cultivation of the spirit that is transcendental and so have taken the opportunity of life that has left us.

One must be attentive to the disorder that is within oneself, attentive to the contradictions, the dualistic struggle, the conflicting desires, attentive to the ideological activities and its unreality. One has to observe "what is" without condemning, without judging, without evaluating it at all.

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