Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Revenge

"... I decided to tararearte all that misses you ..." SR

You open your eyes, breathe deep, hold, exhale, slowly.

close your eyes, slow, wake up the pores of your neck, below the neck, your hair stands on end.

inhale, exhale, again, comes with air stress of your traps, your shoulders down and open.

have a memory, a loved one, your heart beats, you are aware, in the quiet your body is balanced, small, with the beats, forward, backward, forward, back.

hear a sound, it takes you, you get out of your body and travel without it, your eyes half-closed in their orbits move, imperceptible.

're behind in the imaginary time, feeling my hand on your cheek, remember me staring in your eyes, you play a thousand things ...

... Your heart beats within your body and then come back to it, inhale, you returned, your eyebrows rising slightly express something, to accommodate your hands, your body will welcome you with a good breath, involuntarily, without the wheel and a tear wet your face drawing a line through the middle of your collarbone, with the index's stop there.

inhale, slowly exhale even slower, check your posture, runs through every inch of your back, just as I did, my hands again, and suddenly my lips warm, slowly, at the base of your neck, chills, tilt your head slightly smiling, my hug your back, I approached my chest, slow, warm, loving, close your eyes, feel your eyes back to you, breathe again now with more zeal.

exhale ... open your eyes, look without looking, without lights, room lit only by the glow of lights from the outside, the smell of incense bringing you the time, relaxing, distanciándote me, apparently.

get up, inhale, exhale, walk, laugh, cry, eat, live, my hands ... revenge of your appearances in my mind, "the distance".


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