Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Security vs. Insecurity

Vs. Security. Insecurity

According to recent studies, security is one of the most coveted needs of every human being, and for this reason that the recovery and maintenance of this ranks high on the scale of values ​​of the population. We all know that maintaining security is a cost and if necessary to achieve it would have to surrender some of our freedom and subjection, more or less voluntarily, to a set of rules and restrictions. It is obvious, and has demonstrated that the grounds of insecurity can be placed between poverty, the distribution of wealth, government corruption, and ethnic differences and / or religious.

Risk is the potential danger and hazards become risks for the actions of man. The truth is that today, security is the most common use of the contingency and danger that threatens not only physical life but social life, the set of all institutions and structures of society, especially two decades, where two concepts star in the discussion: globalization and risk society.

Globalization, where the promise of security is increasingly fragile and where is pervasive sense of insecurity. The institutions' structural conservatism and its emphasis on solving problems in the short term is not able to respond adequately to the rapid emergence of new challenges, and in this sense, one can not speak for safety assurance, but rather reducing insecurity.

It is also true recognition of the fact that there is no security without development and no development without security, but, facing the world today, the paradigms of globalization and risk society are two schools of thought, according to our way of seeing things, they include a new reality of insecure states.

Globalization has brought new crimes and threats whose causes, connections and answers are more complex and transnational. A feature of the new situation is that the traditional institutions of government (law enforcement and the judicial system) are not fully trained to respond to new problems and new challenges posed by insecurity.

The criminal economy has followed the steps into the legal economy to push the boundaries of states. Organized crime has gone global and has been adapting well to this new scenario. Globalization has created a new space above the national spaces, hitherto almost untouched. These international spaces, which are the responsibility of any sovereign state, have created a climate of insecurity globalized. But we must not forget that the concept of security has two realities: One, that security is to look ahead with confidence and without fear in a predictable and stable environment, and two, that insecurity is global and we have security globalize ...

In general, I have the belief that today the authorities continue to face the crime in a reactive rather than preventive, and crime have evolved into the cultures of the functioning of society, which requires the use of drastic procedures for the maintenance and strengthening of security.

Jorge Luis Vargas

Security Consultant

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