Wednesday, August 1, 2012

With That Then Goodbye

Carlos Mora Vanegas

Only in the agony of parting we can understand the depth of our love. George Eliot

Many times have we said goodbye, family, acquaintances, friends, classmates and why not, other than some form affected compartment with us.

No doubt, therefore, we will have surprised what we have learned in life, what this has meant saying goodbye and tested, some we have not seen, enontrar, because it simply took leave of this dimension , leaving contaminated many times our emotions are triggered by the memory of lived experience shared.

The interesting thing is being aware of what constitutes good-bye at the time, scope, what it means and has meant to Nostra. Perhaps the bye generates suffering, significant emotions in our conduct, behavior, and probably we could not absorb what has caused it, it all depends, as we have been represented.

Perhaps the strongest bye, has affected us most is the one associated with the affective family, with the couple, friendship, its effect will depend on what the person represents.

No doubt, that the scope of goodbye represents significamucho for one person, and very well explained in the poetry of Paul Geraldy, which as we know it was an extraordinary French poet and dramatist, born March 6, 1885 in Georges Lefèvre Paris.Hijo journalist who had had a reputation for the translation of "Romeo and Juliet" in 1890, and from whom he inherited his love of literature, took the surname "Géraldy" from her mother to adopt it as seudónimo.En 1908 published the first poems under the title "Les petites âmes" followed in 1912 by "Toi et moi", a set of light of romantic poems, inspired by his love, the beautiful opera singer Germaine Lubin. Their marriage ended in 1926 following the affaire of the Marshal Philippe Germain Pétain.Su real literary value refers to the theater, especially in the works "Aimer" in 1921, "Le Prélude" in 1938 and "L'homme et l' amour "in 1951. He co-founded the Upper Room 20 with Chaplin and Gershwin in 1920 and became part of the Literacy Council of Prince Pierre de Monaco from 1952.Falleció at the age of 98 years in Neuilly-sur-Seine on March 10, 1983


So then, goodbye. Are not you forgetting something? Well, go ... We can say goodbye. Already we have nothing to say? I leave, you can go ... But no, wait, wait todavíaque stop raining ... wait a while.

And above all, warm look good because you know how cold it is there afuera.Un winter coat is what habríaque get ... So I have returned it? Do not I have yours at all? Have you taken your cards, your portrait?

Well, look at me now, my love, for that purpose, and is one to say goodbye. Wow! We must not grieve, come on, we must not mourn, what nonsense!

And what so grandenecesitan effort to make our heads, to imagine and once the amantesaquellos vernosotra so tired and so tiernosque had been before!

We had always entregadopara lives, each other forever, and now we behold the return, and you're going to leave me and I'll leave you, and soon partiremoscada who with his name, meanwhile ... roam ... life afresh ... elsewhere ... Of course, at first then come sufriremos.Pero pious oblivion, only faithful friend who forgives us, and there again you and I be like tornaremosa have been, among others, two.

So I'll enter my pasado.Y I see on the street from a distance, without crossing, to talk to the other side, and we will leave distraídosy spend ligeracon desconocidos.Y suits me we no see long months, and forget the taste of your touch, and my friends will give noticiasde "That friend of yours."

And I in my turn, forward reprimidapor feigned evil pride, ask why it was my estrellay when referring to you who are my life, you, you were my strength and my sweet, I say, how's that?

Our big heart, how small it was! Our many purposes, how few!, And yet we were so locosal principle, that spring. Remember? The Apotheosis! The charm! We loved you so much!

So it was that love? Who would believe it! So we-we-still, when we speak of love are we like the others? This is the value we place the words of love that moves us. What a disgrace, let us be the same God that they are all ! How it rains!

You can not go out like rain. Come, stay, look, I pray, and seek to understand luego.Haremos new plans, and even if the heart has changed, perhaps revive the charm of old love ademanes.Haremos pasadoal possible , one will behave well. You, you'll be good, and then ... it's amazing, is one of their customs, the cadenallega sometimes be necessary.

Sit here, my good: remember your disgust with me, and I close to you my solitude.

Paul Geraldy

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