Monday, August 6, 2012

Are you in love with a Narcissist?

I find it surprising the level of suffering that a person has to suffer the side of a narcissistic couple. The couple becomes a satellite, as an extension of the narcissist. As a person with strong narcissistic traits, always, always, always be considered special, different, worthy of admiration.

The problem is not with them or they are considered heavenly, but they perceive others, especially the couple, as inferior, unworthy and worthless. For narcissists, the value lies in the degree of admiration . Yes it does not exist, no value, no love, no nothing ... however much you try, your battle is lost

It's hard being in love and get the charms of someone who lives in love only you. For men and women always have an ally narcissistic feeling of pride. The pride is overestimated more than one is ... believing that the world is exists only for me and for me. The arrogance tarnishes the mirrors, everything has to be seen under my eyes, under my judgments, which are many, and under my suspicion, which is irritating, and sometimes disconcerting.

Their interests, their feelings, their relationships, their very life is in what others can give you. It is a predator, circumstances, emotions, thoughts and relationships. We're useful, then it will be with you forever. You are not, you discard, without the slightest trouble.

In any relationship whether partner or not, the narcissist, always look for an advantage. The handling, not conscious, but always try, that there is an advantage. If your feeling is one of superiority, we can expect us mortals. Therefore, there will be circumstances, situations, and of course, moments in which one never falls short of such magnificence.

The experience of couples is to never be at the "height". Feeling depressed, full of anguish and a deep sense of dissatisfaction. Anxiety, depression, and feelings of discomfort, take place, as if the provocation, was our own. Almost we turn into madness.

Much love I can expect from someone who does not recognize me, I did not see, or hear, and also in terms of genuine, does not care. To love a couple naarcissita it is important that you are willing to be part of an entourage of adulation, where he or she be your center of action, otherwise you will have a relationship doomed to failure.

With regard to the relationship, narcissistic people cutting, require a couple to give them status, presence, a feeling of being in the world. That is, everything outside is fictitious because the depths of his soul, are so unhappy, they feel, so little, that manages to give glimpses of this great narcissism, his great love for themselves.

Basically what I'm saying is: How lucky you are to me to be your partner! Of course, this is not so veiled verbal but in actions. The deep appreciation must be eternal. Otherwise, you will be exposed to the experience of emotional hell. Some features of narcissistic link:

When you talk about issues important to you, appears to be helpful, but is concentrated in its self-centeredness? The most important conversations are the ones that have to do with your interests, your family, your job, your friends, your commitments and all that it deserves. Does not admit contradictions and are intolerant to criticism or disagreement, otherwise, resentido.Estará bother always watching and will display their charms in the social sphere. Your status and your status are of great importance for persona.Te seduce again and again because its charms are designed not to you, but the admiration incondicional.Es relentless in his criticism and insults, and oddly enough, the flashes of humiliation and put others, who considered inferior, ridiculous, is one of his great manipulaciones.No tolerated being told what to do, much less try to behave. What is expected socially, it develops very narcissistic partner well, and even more. Emotionally speaking, I never feel that you understand, that is with you or is able to be with you. In your accomplishments feel strong envy and your dark moments, can not connect to your sentir.La humility, in sexual encounters with narcissistic conspicuous by its absence. At first, the brightness and glare is dazzling.

But the drive to excel is always in the relationship. It is difficult to be seen by someone as brilliant, with such brilliance. Couples of narcissists, they are always trying to climb, to give the width, of trying to "keep up "

From the outset, you do have to run and climb emotionally speaking, "to keep up" of your partner, then where is the relationship partner? Yes you have to become who you are not to please your deity, probably accounts certain lack of affection. So perhaps it is important that you ask yourself:

How is it that you have to be distinct or different from what you are? At what point did you realize that needing "to the width," which in fact do not consider yourself a person's height? What gaps are filling your relationship that need to be so charming to you How much you love rather than love both your partner? Is necessary to rethink and reconsider our life together, only by understanding and realizing, what happens to me to me, I can cause changes in my life, whether dating or other relationships.

However, the analysis and understanding begins by oneself, not the other, not by the couple, but the Self. And again, I understand my suffering and my relationship with a narcissist partner decide if I want to go there or not ...

Love is a rewarding experience that leads to all sorts of feelings and conflicts, however, to love someone who loves only himself, is a harrowing experience, which leaves deep scars ...

Thanks for reading my mission is the emotional quality of life ...

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