Sunday, August 5, 2012

Recipe Sausage Stuffed Potatoes

If you are sick of the food at home I'll show you a simple dish, the sea that you can make in your home without any problem, potatoes stuffed with sausage.

Honestly this dish is something I'm not used to seeing in restaurants so if you want to be original, you know what to do.

Ingredients for 4 people:

This recipe is for about 4 people, but could be 5. Here are the ingredients we need.

4 potatoes sausage package grandes1 frescas1 blanco1 wine glass bud vase of lecheQueso huevo1 ralladoaceitesalpimienta cebolla1


We started cooking whole potatoes in a pot with boiling water, add some salt and let simmer for 40 minutes. An interesting point is that we will cook the potatoes with skin so better if they are new potatoes.

While the potatoes are cooked chop an onion and soften in a pan with oil (remember, low heat).

When the onion is sautéed in a dish and retire in the same pan fry chopped fresh sausages previously. When we add the browned onions and poached white wine glass and let it cook until the wine reduces.

Once the potatoes are cooked cut them in half (along) and we are taking a teaspoon of the potato flesh and place it in a bowl.

At the same time we put the drained potatoes in a baking tray and fill it with the sausages.

After we add grated cheese on top and put it in the oven to broil for about 3-4 minutes at 200 degrees.

With the interior of potatoes we've emptied puree to add it to the meat of the potato salt, pepper and egg yolks and then mash with a fork we all.

Finally add a glass of milk (something close) and continue mashing with a fork to mash we have left.

To serve simply warm a few minutes in the microwave.


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