Sunday, August 5, 2012

Self-esteem issues

Self-esteem issues

"When they became obsessed with MEN BANNED, THAT rejected and mistreated"

Obsessions are persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses or images that are experienced as intrusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress. The characteristics of intrusion and inapropiedad of obsessions have been described as "ego dystonic". This refers to the individual's sense of the obsession is alien, not within their control and not thinking you'd expect. However, the individual is able to recognize that the obsessions are the product of his own mind and are not imposed from outside (as in the induction of thought).

Most women, or are interested in or like men who treat them badly, rejection or scorn; why I always say that girls like guys retailers, romantic leads them flowers. a lie is proven that just say it as a nice speech but in practice are always looking for a man with money either to take them out of poverty or because they believe that having a profession can not be with a man than the other hand many women like guys who are abused physically, verbally or both, has been seen many times as the girls see a man who knows he's going to mistreat you will be unfaithful and will surely leave and all However they run behind him.

The preference for troubled men, who by conviction become the center of the universe, the effort to worship in spite of rudeness and humiliation, which is with another girl, who put nicknames or make fun of it even from their roots; for example: "shuco, loose woman, mountain, offered, etc.." forgive everything, so as not to be alone and not separate them, or just the fact of not losing to the other girl.

A disease that although most women have it, men are out there and mostly a reflection of childhood, being the starting point.

That sense of insecurity in childhood not to repeat the attempt, and instead of finding a soul mate, one that will complement and interact with them, are like a magnet to someone and forget to take care of themselves.

They blame their parents for the shortcomings of his childhood, or in case of abandonment have been abandoned by them in their childhood. But now your responsibility as adults is to examine their past to recognize all these defects in affection, security and validation, and seek ways of satisfying healthy for the obsession with a former partner.

When a relationship ends, are involved with a sense of frustration at not being able to realize a project that seemed ideal at first. However, there are those who do not accept this reality, clinging to the memory of a broken relationship, even knowing his former partner in a new relationship not support it and the obsession is so great that seek to harm the new partner of his ex, with insults, verbal, telephone and others seeking ways to break this new relationship, with the thought that "If I am not happy, neither will they." Sometimes intend to continue with him, knowing he is with another girl, "kill me, but do not let me."

"Generally, people who are obsessed by her former partner cling to something that was hers, or maybe it never was, but who refuse to lose. This is because, at some stage of life, has been a lack of affection do not want to live again. "

¿Love or obsession?

If there is understanding and respect, do not be fooled: it is not love. It's low self-esteem. When you have low self-esteem, is the meaning of life in the conflict, envy for those who do are happy to be aware of what his former partner.

As you do not get anyone's attention, you discover that the conflict can make you feel guilty and receive another baby. And draws attention.

That's why you get addicted to destructive relationships. In the fight to draw attention of the other. This is harmful. And is not love. You have to find for yourself what motivates you. You have to improve your self-esteem. When you fall in love with yourself, understand that it is a relationship ends. Terminal to welcome a new love that is in tune with your new lifestyle.

There are people who have "banned" with married couples. Or committed; Do not be fooled. You are self-destroying. Because you have low self esteem, you do not think you can get a free man and you feel good looking man outside. This is an obsession, which is not going to lead to true love.

When dreams of a person you barely know, do not hesitate: it is not love. At best, attraction. And when we do not know the person well ... I endorse all the features of our ideal mate. Until you meet your true love, clearly know their faults and virtues. Know your life. And only then you will know if it's love ... or was obsession.

The mind is powerful, and can make you sick ... or falling in love. And it's all in our thoughts. It's pretty excited about someone, but to move from emotion and obsession is not healthy.

Sometimes, you're obsessed partner and another person, that you do not get out of your mind. It's simple. You're in love with your partner because you know ... but your mind is in love with another person, being an unrealized dream.

Love is based on an understanding and respect for your partner. Clearly see their faults and yet you have love in your life. The obsession, low self-esteem because "if I leave, I will not find another person," "He can not leave me for her." It is when you end relationships end, when a new love How do you want to appear if you are free first? How close you want to be a lover, if you see that you submit to the other person and his new partner?.

Also, the imagination influences the obsession. It's easy to dream that a person has the characteristics of the couple, and see it from afar, to face a real and be rejected.

Without forcing anyone to change or control their feelings, we need to stop being victims and being a little more selfish, to think more about ourselves, that self-love and self acceptance out in front, and feel that it is not necessary others need our care in order to be happy.

Karina R. Falcon Aliaga


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