Monday, August 6, 2012

Why defend Salamanca

My admired friend the notary Julio Rodriguez, where there is great guy shows me his gratitude, he says, "for your defense of Salamanca?. It refers, apparently, which is usually much less common than it should to read thoughts on this land and its people that are not overly negative. That happens, I've said other times, because here we are paid very little of ourselves, unlike what happens in other places where exclusive ethnocentrism is grown and where any part of their environment stinky judged more grandiose and spectacular the Grand Canyon. So is not there to defend Salamanca, because it does very well on her own with her own beauty unfading, but good enough to ponder what we have and criticize, if anything, the many challenges to our development we put the Salamanca same. Here, in this absurd undervaluation of goofy self and exaltation of the others, lies the greatest of our wrongs against which we must revolt every day. That awkward inferiority complex is surpassed only by a kind of cainismo that leads us to the nearest skinning and gawk, however, before the others.

It is that nefarious factions domestic politics which so many negative examples found in our history. At that, I mean, I rebel, because we do not fight enough to defend from our documentary heritage, remember the lost war and File-born non Center of Historical Memory-bound to the Castilian capital. Here we organized celebration just for the amusement of themselves, but not to attract foreign visitors. Here we have neglected beautiful tourist attractions-from the field to the unfinished basilica charro de Alba, and here, finally, we can think of to promote the new motorway to Madrid, but that "we will learn the Madrid system by word of mouth? (Sic). For these, among other reasons, so one feels compelled to ponder before such nonsense Salamanca.

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