Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to Improve Digital PR brand communication

Both advertising and public relations face a common enemy called 'disorder'. For example, in advertising advertising companies in the television programs that hopefully seen by its target audience. We must remember that not all of its target audience is watching that particular program. Even if they do, there is no guarantee that the public sees your business because people like to zap through the commercials.

Traditional public relations also face the same problem. For your message to reach the public, you must go through a series of gatekeepers. Editors assign reporters to leaders of what is covered or news worthy, journalists decide what angle they want to use for a balance report should have another point of view, or sources, editors decide what information is relevant, the media has a fix format you must not fill or exceed, the newspapers have their own ideas and idealism. All these factors led to your message which is transmitted in part, twisted, distorted, or not go at all.

The digital solution we offer is to use the strategy "push pull". We "push" the message by way of word of mouth and viral communication. If people see the good things about the product or the image and think it is important and relevant to them, people will tell their friends and their friends and so on. With digital public relations, we are no longer the only communicators, users are communicators. Another is to "pull" people to your website for ways of Pay per click (PPC) ads, creating links and Really Simple Syndication (RSS). This is where the digital public relations was above the traditional, customize and tailor the message to users interactively .......

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