Sunday, August 26, 2012

Photoshop Pencil Portrait

This tutorial will explain the techniques I use to create digital portraits in pencil in Photoshop. I made these for a few years and have searched the web for some techniques of how to do this. I developed what I have learned to give this tutorial a more accurate (and enjoyable I might add) rendering.

There are some things that can be made in advance before the picture is taken to help give a more pleasing result. For example, with a white background helps to have a clear separation of the subject. Also, having the subject wear white (or some other light color), clothing is a great advantage as it helps the viewer to the person's face. Although these tips are useful, are not absolutely necessary.

Okay, let's begin!

1.Open the image in Photoshop.

2.Create a copy of the background layer by pressing "J Control" on the keyboard. Now invert the new layer by pressing ...
"I control".

3.Convert image to "greyscale" clicking (Image

1 comment:

  1. Various photoshop learning courses are there which on learning lead to image manipulation and making edit a variety of print and web based images. Photoshop is very creative and lead to save time as it is speedy.Thanks for the post and for updating us more about photoshop.
    photoshop training
