Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What Is Our emotional cost?

Carlos Mora Vanegas

Being acting in settings where violence prevails, instability, turbulence, impact of the political, economic, educational, social, that we are subjected by those who run the country and everything in which we operate, we invite you to reflect what is really our emotional cost? .

We know that we generate emotions, we are constantly subjected to stimuli that somehow affect our behavior, emotions, feelings that we know they operate in order not to be trapped by its negative effects, let alone to our very high emotional cost, attempting estabilididad often our psychological, physical, often leading to states that can cause serious negative impact on our health and behavior.

In an interesting paper BOUT this subject in relation to the reality of Argentina Guillermo Oliveto, published in the Daily Nation of Buenos Aires, we refer to aspects that are valid note, for example: We live in difficult times in our country understand. Have come up with the imprint of the bizarre. They fell upon us with surprising character, and in many cases, paralyzing the unexpected. We weighed. We are distressed.

States in its written Oliveto Are we really aware of the emotional toll they have these days, in which time, as in the worst of the crisis of 2001/2002, has become gum? Can we keep beating the beat of a minute gesture lock us, we wipe the smile, that takes away their focus to our expectations, our dreams, our hopes?

Much is made these days of political cost, economic cost, opportunity cost, and even something we might call the "cost confidence." Analysis are multiple and betting on how much it will cost to Argentina. It is clear that such a tangle of ups and downs has its price ..

Aspects that are valid to be taken into account the reality of Venezuela, where uncertainty, turbulence manifest daily product of politics and its impact on the economy, the high cost of living in the deterioration of the quality of life of Venezuelans that is increasingly diminished his earning capacity, not enough to cover the common costs of daily living, also the threat of inflation, unemployment, security, last appearance, which leaves a lot to say when the violence, murders, robberies are increasing and there is no clear solutions to ensure the right to life.

Add Oliveto in writing, that little thought has been given a cost that exceeded the heat of the moment, perhaps much deeper heating and even more expensive than the economic loss or leakage of power: the emotional cost.

Comments that should concern us, the exponential increase anxiety, feeling that emerges as one of the major ills of postmodern times, here and in much of the world. In another of his lucid records, one of the characters asks a woman Tutu: "What is your main fantasy?", To which she replies, "Get in and out with the same person throughout life." Absorbed, he says: "Wow, Betty, his imagination has no limits." Such fragility is scary. Both fear scary. Fear of everything. At that tomorrow everything can be different. To not have a minimum guarantee of what might happen. A not knowing what to do. To homelessness, loneliness, losing what has been achieved, not getting what wanted, to not want what has been achieved.

It is not as worrisome states, conflict. It is inherent to human beings. We are social beings. And under that condition coexistence daily exercise. As the French philosopher Comte holds-Sponville in human life, "the essence of social life in general and politics in particular is that it is always collective and conflicting."

We can not live without the other. Other's presence is what gives meaning to our own. Although sometimes unbearable or intolerable us your opinion or will. This is it. We are creatures of desire. Different, so we want different things. But equally, so we fight and argue after the desire of the same. "Unsocial sociability" Kant called.

Nor should scare the negotiation. It is the rational and civilized way of resolving the conflict. Still less should scare their strategies. Delay time and speed up the deal when everyone is tired, worn and pressed by a dead line is one of them. Widely used by oriental masters of calm and patience.

Venezuela our case, faces an atmosphere in conflict, instability, anxiety about the current reality in which present and discusses what the future may provide, where finally, the Venezuelan State in the XXI century identified with socialism, is generating Venezuela's actions to not accustomed to living under this ideology has resulted in many uncertainties, concerns, giving way to resentment in many, intolerance, fear, fear of not seeing clear where the country really is.

This has caused many Venezuelans to migrate, the others remain, express their concerns when they see their emotional cost is very high and we do not see the potential to reduce and promotes stability, fully identified with their aspirations, achievements.

I believe that the current government, should take into account in their plans, strategies, actions involving strength of the Bolivarian Revolution, leading to positive emotions promote the emotional cost is positive and not negative, in favor of a country has the resources to ensure a good quality of life for all its inhabitants.

The fact that it is up to each of this nostors determine what is our emotional cost? and What to do about it?


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