Thursday, August 23, 2012

The content of the website - Key Site Traffic

Keep the attention of visitors

Did you know that the website content is what attracts the attention of web site traffic (visitors) to your web site? And there's a specific formula to get and keep the attention of visitors to your site. The way to attract attention are those with the introduction of intrigue or curiosity.

This business training is designed to drive this point home and introduce you to this four-letter anagram AIDA.

AIDA is an anagram for the machining process good content. It stands for attention, interest, desire and action.

One is to get the attention of the visitor, when you get their attention, they are giving you the opening you need to build in I or any interest in your offer.

When you create interest, you can develop, that the desire for your offer. After having virtually created the desire for your next duty is to act and bring them to one or join your database.

This was not as difficult as it may seem to be on the surface. But now let me elaborate with the introduction of the second part of this article. If you do this right, it's like having the keys to heaven personal profit.

AIDA has to make a little 'more real to you and how you might apply the contents of the website? When I learned about AIDA to make my website content and started using it I began to get more website traffic.

Not just any old visitors happen to stop for the event. I began to get highly targeted website traffic.

I can not say that you can get the same results, as I had. But if you follow the formula you get measurable results. As I mentioned earlier, intrigue and curiosity are the fuel to turn your visitors.

The contents of the Web site must include curiosity or Intrigue

There are 9 basic components that you must make sure that you are in the marketing message or letter of marketing for your business promotion.

The angle incredible that pushes everything else (the hook)
The bold header benefit driven (goal is to make the reader want to read the next sentence)

Your opener intriguing story (talking directly with them)
The list of benefits (bullets)

The third voice part will be used as a testimonial to win the two levels of belief (believing that you are telling the truth and believing it can work for them, not just you)

Your neighbor who gets them to act now (tell them what to do)

Your post script that pulls them back into the marketing message (the second title)

Your voice for the message (it came to you personally or someone else)

Use curiosity throughout the process (to tease and tantalize them) (activate their desire for more)

Note: One of the motivating human emotion is curiosity. If we talk about the visitor's WIIFM (which is in it for me) language, offer them the benefits they are looking for, but not give them all the details of what your offer includes (keep them off balance and wondering) are sure you want to more.

Website content is the foundation of your website. Failure to meet the visitor's interest, visitors will find other websites will. The trick is in understanding the use of using the more efficient use of the content.

Should be used in such a way that incites an emotional response (feeling) from the traffic of your website through the link content.

The bottom line is that you need to provide interesting content for your web site visitors. Writing articles is a way to introduce your interesting web site content on your website. We have five senses, but only hear and see can be used online to get your message through compelling .......

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