Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's Time Of A Good Speed ​​Reading Course

Fast reading courses: are they for you? This article provides tips and tricks to make a decision about taking a speed reading course in case it is presented, or find out on your own. One goal of taking a speed reading course is to help people who want to increase your reading speed to choose the words that are beneficial in the reading material and remove those that are not so useful. All (as) we have an innate ability to focus on the word and be able to visualize easily.

Through the proper use of a course of this nature, you know what words can be eliminated in a sentence or a paragraph, what (the) help increase your reading speed dramatically. Many (as) teachers (as) will realize that a condition called sub vocalization is a challenge we all face in order to increase our reading speed. As we have learned of boys and girls from an early age, we chose sub vocalize our speech (whispering in breathing), the words you are reading. But the method taught in the reading speed is the opposite of that. We have to relearn how to read a new way, in a way that does not slow our ability to understand.

There are several techniques that a good school in the subject or a group of textual practices will teach you about reading speed. Some methods are good and some not. The main problem is that what suits one person by means of a method is not suit all tastes. All (as) are different. The main method used is the formation of certain parts of the brain to "tune" lasa words that are crucial to the understanding of matter called reading. We must do this without actually hearing the words in the mind. Of course, this is not easy.

It is very similar to when we learn physical skills. You have to practice over and over again to be good (a) on a specific task. Similarly, the more specific reading skills with practice acquire, the easier it becomes. I would like to leave a comment on this article you just read, and also tell me a little and tell me what your main frustration when trying to read faster. I personally will be answering your questions and comments. Thanks, Carlos Gallego.


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