Monday, July 16, 2012

Remedies for Dandruff

Dandruff has been my workhorse staff from the three years that I remember. I remember going to countless doctors and specialists and everyone told me the same, hygiene and a ray-smelling ointments and I half the problem solved, since the three days began to sting his hair again and went back the same.

From shampoos or speak the time, as much notice "dandruff" I already knew the word in 10 languages ​​(all I had tried) but nothing.

But being a dandruff hair problem so common, thankfully over the years have discovered different remedies to try to counteract this condition.

From the medical point of view, we find that the most effective remedy in controlling dandruff is possible through the new anti-dandruff shampoos, with new ingredients much better than those of yesteryear.

I personally began to notice a very great improvement when radically change my diet, because they also had problems with redness on the face and body parts.

Again, a change in diet is essential and a good champoo anticaspa.Y keep at bay the problem.

Should you know:

That dandruff is not contagious, does not cause hair loss and is not caused by poor hygiene.

What can we do to make the problem go no further?

The following conditions tend to exacerbate dandruff:

The environment fríoUn excessively dry (as in the interior of a house with heating) nutritional deficiencies vitaminasProductos EstrésAlergiasLas chemical hair (spray, gels and dye) Hair Dryers.


Itching constanteAbundante scale

Tips for preventing dandruff • The most important for the treatment of this condition is to keep the hair and scalp clean to avoid accumulation of dead cells. Brush hair daily to improve circulation and remove any flaking. • Exposing the head to the rays of the sun is also a good measure in the treatment of dandruff. • Massage scalp thoroughly every day using the fingertips and working systematically across the surface of the head.

Pay close attention in this section.

In addition to continuing as I said before a good hair treatment based on a good shampoo and highly recommended to take care of certain aspects of food.

Melon: It contains vitamin A and carotene, which helps to prevent dandruff and repair skin irritations. Because it contains a lot of water and potassium hydrates and detoxifies the body and regulating debugging output sebo.Puerro: It is very rich in sulfur, mineral antiseborrhoeic action, thereby treating dandruff full. Indispensable in the synthesis of keratin, a component of pelo.Salmón: There are many studies showing that Omega 3 fatty acids are very useful for caring for dry scalp. Two or three times a week, consuming it in oily fish reduces the itching and inflammation. Highly recommended in cases of seborrheic dermatitis psoriasis.Aguacate: Its oil is a natural emollient. If you have oily hair, or should you include in your diet on a regular basis and if you have dry, in addition to consuming too, can use as anti dandruff lotion mixing the pulp with a teaspoon of shea butter and oil oliva.Cacahuetes: They are very rich in zinc, a mineral that if scarce in our body can cause increased dandruff. It also contains selenium, which improves hair's vitality and vitamins B, thereby stabilizing the scalp and reducing stress.

Remedies of a lifetime:

Home remedy for dandruff lemon-based: This concoction should be applied after using the champoo. When rinsing, use the juice of one fresh lemon. This not only prevents dandruff but also give the hair a more intense glow. We can replace lemon juice for the lime to get the same result.

Home remedy for dandruff beets based: Collaborate in the important task of removing dandruff. To take advantage, we will water boil in sugar beet roots, especially the white and the water we will massage every night on the scalp with fingertips.

Home remedy for dandruff apple cider vinegar base: To make this remedy must dilute cider vinegar with equal amount of water, and use this to rinse after champoo. We can also mix it with a little salt and lemon in a container that allows spray on the hair spray. Then sprinkle the hair, we act for a few hours and wash as usual.

Home remedy for dandruff based apple juice: Vinegar can leave a smell somewhat strong acid and difficult to remove, then, the best replacement for vinegar is apple juice. Once the juice, mixed with three parts water and apply on hair massaging action and leaving a few moments. Then, wash and rinse.

Home remedy for dandruff based thyme and nettle: We can make a lotion with two tablespoons of thyme, nettle two and two cups of water. Boil all 10 minutes and reserve. Use this concoction to wash our hair after washing with champoo.

Tonic onion: Chop an onion and boil in 200 ml of water. Then add a cup of rum and let soak overnight.

The next day, strain the preparation and apply it before washing the hair.

Final recommendations.

Do not neglect the condition. Many people are not bothered by dandruff and when they feel itchy just scratched. However, not paying attention to dandruff can do to accumulate on the scalp flaking creating more itching and increasing craving for scratching which can injure, over time, the scalp.

Eating a diet of fruits and vegetables. The person with dandruff should consume a diet with emphasis on raw foods, especially fruits and vegetables

Avoid tea, coffee, refined foods, canned and processed the person with dandruff should avoid eating meat, sugar, white flour, tea or coffee, condiments, processed foods and avoiding refined all.

Massaging the scalp daily using to this end, the fingertips This should be done just before or after brushing the hair which will activate the circulation by improving the condition of dandruff.

Keep hair and scalp clean to avoid accumulation of dead cells

Brushed daily to improve circulation The most effective way of brushing your hair is to bend forward at the waist with the head down, then brush the nape of the neck to the head.

Champus effective:

All the variety HS.

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