Monday, July 23, 2012

Manufactured Housing

Homes prefabricadasSu appearance does not necessarily look like a cube and its designs are as versatile as the buyer wants. They come from a plant or more, schools are also modular and luxury homes. Best of all is that modular homes are prefabricated buildings that shorten the waiting time in more than perfectos.Las entrega.Acabados walls are made of laminated solid panels and insulation stucco surfaces create a feeling of solidity. While the roof panels are precast concrete, with an additional layer of concrete above the pavement, making them extremely resistentes.Reducen costos.Las modular homes are not only faster to build, but eventually also reduce costs. According to Mark Jupiter, one of the founders of New World Home, a modular home achieves up to 50% utility bills, keeps thousands of gallons of water per year and provides an environment exceeding indoor air of normal houses.

Tradition, modular home construction modernidad.La includes the most modern to the more conventional designs. As with the homes of New World Home, based on traditional architectural designs but they are built with highly efficient organic methods. At the end of the modular home looks as if it had always been home to 100 días.Las allí.Una structures are built in a fraction of the time it would take to build a normal home. The New World Home houses are built on a highly efficient manufacturing plant so a new home can be produced, transported, assembled and be completely ready in less than 100 days from the date of initiation of innovative trends producción.Las in the construction and use of alternative materials, such as manufactured homes, do not cease to appear on the market.

Prefabricated Houses

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