Monday, July 30, 2012

Photo Of The Day: 07/01/2011 "Way of Happiness"

I walked through that dusty dirt road, no hurry. Far from the stress of the city. CO2 and noise of the horns. In the jostling in the narrow sidewalks and struggles to get on the elevator. The stringency of the suit and tie. A left and right, white flowers sprouted grass and danced playfully in the breeze. He removed his shoes, left the road and walked the green carpet with eyes closed. Separate arms, caressing the grass with your fingers. He breathed deeply and felt at peace. The road, winding disappeared in a grove nearby and seemed to lead to the same place, that the swift clouds decorating the sky. He thought about life, short compared with the immensity of nature. And to prevent it, he wondered, is it worth? ¿Outweigh the sorrows of work? Does the lack of sleep? Does not see my children grow? Does the move at full speed, loop through the twists of competitiveness without limits? Is the claim to have a second home and a high-end car? Does being a member of riding club or golf?. Ultimately am I happy?. The response was overwhelming and egregious monosyllable beginning with "n".

NO. "Great, I spend half my life building what was supposed to be an ideal model of life and now I've got, I know that was never what I wanted. I never dreamed of getting here. This was the dream of another. In my father, society, or my classmates petulant to pay. "He tried to recall their youthful longings. Racked his brain trying to separate the "what you want" of "what to". The sunset was surprised, with no response and came to a sad conclusion. "All my life I have been projecting the perfect obedience of the son, student, husband and employee model. Basta!. I lost time." That same night he telephoned his wife, elegant bourgeois lady who I could not believe the words which came from the other side of the apparatus .- What do you want to go to live in the country?. I'm not following you have you lost your mind? - Honey, I want to enjoy a simple life together, close to nature. We want for nothing, but we have abundance than now. We cultivate our hobbies and our children will not even have time to make our same mistakes .- I will not continue to listen to even one more folly!

I want a divorce! A violent metallic sound made him understand that she had hung up. That night his life had turned around 180 degrees. He had started a journey that would have liked to do, with one day be the love of his life. But there was also discovered that painful disillusionment that passionate love, had been a long time and too many business dinners and trips. The glass was shattered and reassembled with glue of interest. That night of inner peace and reflection, social ties left behind and made his way to happiness.

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Photo: Edurne Iza

Text: Iza Otamendi Onintza

You can download this picture freely. The only restriction is for sale and / or profitable use of it. Do not forget that all work belongs to its author, make good use of it.


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