Friday, July 27, 2012

What I never dared to say about Sexuality

And add to this headline: "what many people think and say or express."

I think there are things and issues to be dealt deeply and directly, without fear or disguise or conjecture or diversion of interest. I think there is an issue that we put on the table for various reasons but the main one is the evolution of the human soul and human being. That theme is sexuality.

If you prefer not to hear or read universal truths latent happening on a global level about sexuality, please stop reading. On the other hand, follows Rihanna Lady Gaga or give you clues as to how NOT to live your life. The great female icons have become large i-pussies!. Learn from them and their lives deep, and above all, get drunk to the bone and still allow your husband to run to you-as-you simply because "love." Then do not complain about why is there so much violence against women. You are unwittingly supporting the great i-pussies!.

For the brave who dare to read this article I will tell you that you will feel as uncomfortable as I did writing it, or even more.

I've promised myself this new year, I'm not going to talk about the black beast or his plans or his agenda. I will not do that to myself ever. I discovered that there is collective change possible, it's a stupid utopia. But I have been aware that there is a much more interesting and beneficial: the individual change. Gone are the rescue of souls and the desire to teach anyone anything. Each is responsible for its own development and their own conscience. They are not universal kindergarten times. We can not copy the exams or repeat the year. That's it. Everything depends on you, yourself. So, that said, the point I wished to address the issue.

When you do not know who you are, you live in a world lost and drifting. You live in a flow dominated by something that is not you and on the other hand, gives you the blessing to be important for something or someone. Although you yourself do not know who you are, someone or something gives you a value, an identity, a prize, a gift.

We live in a society where everything and madness unhealthy mental / emotional PREMIA. And unlike the case with the point of view of health, this is attacked and PUNISHED. Madness is rewarded. It rewards the emotional imbalance. It rewards the expressive and artistic vomiting. Cowardice is rewarded and the rally. It rewards those leeches who suck the energy from others. Prostitution is rewarded. It rewards the disease. Victimhood is rewarded. Suffering is rewarded. Is awarded to addiction. You are rewarded ... stuffed white.

And not to say that each of us do not get what we propose, no. I think we can accomplish what we intend and believe we can create a world where each and every one of our small or large dreams can be lived and realized. But I think that is possible from the absolute consciousness of all that IS.

Today I want to talk about homosexuality, transsexuality, bisexuality and sexuality. Today I want to say what they really think about many things that we are living today. It is necessary for my own mental and emotional health. It is a matter of survival and balance soulmate spirit within me.

Sorry, but I think there both gay today. Nor do I think there is so much transsexual or bisexual. I do not think so.

I am not a sex therapist but I do know who I am and where I go. I almóloga, I can see the soul of the people and I can see each of the subtle and physical bodies that carry humans. It is a matter of experience and spiritual soulmate. And I can see what one sees and no one can feel.

One of the great games holographic we are living today is self-deception. There are thousands of people on planet earth are living a delusion continuous, self-deception guided by beings who are themselves. Do not worry, I'm speaking from the position of the victim and the executioner. I'm talking about the unconscious and consciousness itself. If you do not guide your life, I assure you that something or someone else will. This is an energetic universe, a universe that feeds on light or consciousness of light. If you are not aware ... what you think will happen with your unconsciousness?. This will be raptured will be guided by it and all that is itself unconscious.

Acts unconscious, unconscious world, beings unconscious, unconscious and unconscious life ... and that leads to a life of slavery. Not own or owned text_ you.

As I was saying, I do not think anything that has both gay now. And I do not think so because I see the GAME. The game UNCONSCIOUS. It's so, so, so blatant I'm surprised there are still thousands of people who do not see what this game. I'm very surprised that only very few can look closely at what's going on this puzzle. But on the other hand, is a wonderful feeling to feel pioneered the universal truths of certain roads.

This fictitious homosexuality are experiencing comes from the latent unconscious discovered by those who do not know themselves, they do not know who they are, have not the faintest idea who they are.

This fictional homosexuality is sick just like feminism that we are living for over a decade and we want to bring everyone to the complete division of soul and body. Especially among men and women.

Homosexuality dummy that I make mention that homosexuality is born of deep wound with the female essence, ultimately, with the woman. There are thousands of men "homosexuals" who have real conflicts with the women, who bear within themselves a deep emotional wound so severe that they are not able to relate intimately with a woman, because of the great "plug" or emotional trauma / spiritual.

Her sexuality is distorted due to high emotional repression or unresolved emotional wounds with the feminine essence, and the same is the case of lesbians fictitious, not just men. They spend the other side because they can not have balanced relations with men, due to much sexual and psychological abuse.

This fictional homosexuality that we live in today is obvious because they discover a large misogyny towards women and they discover a continuous obsession down the man at all times and elevate women to the degree of absolute goddesses of life .. . and they have no faults and is a superior race of man.

Literally, I am more than tired of seeing and see how many of these homosexuals are put in the role of victims of society when the first have not been accepted THEY themselves, not society. Why?.

Are erected in social roles of victims anywhere when I've been with people who denigrate homosexuals, much less TODAY IN D? A. Today it is absurd to think that the homosexual is a victim of society ... is it a joke?.

When everything goes by the official media is the elevation of homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality with normal overwhelming. I do not know what world they live some who believe that homosexuals are the targets of non-existent people. I have never seen such an attack that now appears to be the official media have agreed in plasma as the major victims of humanity. This is a complete collective madness!.

I have never met any of my colleagues or friends who have been battered gays and the media or some characters want to make clear to everyone. That's one more lie to manipularos as they please.

In Spain it's scary. If you're not gay, that shit do not work on television. Even if you do a favor truth, because the quality of human beings who go by the objective is to run away, bone, unbalanced people to levels heavies, heavies.

Now you can not tell any jokes about gays because the environment is crispadito, of course, are the major victims of society. They want to be insulted. Me neither, but the truth ... I wonder: And when you say including: queer ay, ay crazy ... what do we think?, what do you like being insulted morbid?, what will they roll masochist, or did you just insult each them but others can not?. Anyone under psychiatric or psychological introspection explain it to me, please. I do not understand.

Now it's gays in the military ... it makes my hair as spikes because I know the social background of this intention and I'm afraid. I get respect I do not know if I want to talk about it, deeply. If not, what kind of gay and bisexual men enter the army. And do not talk about why some people decide to enlist in the army ... and who have lived under abuse of authority and other abuses. All these news are beneficial to certain interests and certain global mafias, legal (legal and when I say, I'm referring to being under the arm of justice). Why not question or interview thousands of former American officials by the number of practices that should bring some soldiers?, Why not talk about the number of experiments carried out with them, and included sexual submission?. Why not talk about how U.S. Marines and soldiers have killed themselves last year?, And why do they do?.

When someone does not know who he is, his sexuality is sacred and that means it can be manipulated at the whim of unconsciousness, either your own or others.

Now we justify everything for a fictitious homosexuality, that is, to justify the mistreatment of a woman, whether psychological, physical either.

I know of a friend who married someone who had overcome their sexuality (although this is not the case, say that was not only that but more.) And that during the twelve years he lived with his wife, was cruel physical and an executioner. She got beaten every other day due to personal bitterness. But if anyone thinks or believes that it is an unfortunate one can disgrace to those around him or have the right to hurt others are wrong. That is the most stupid thing someone can commit. Besides the physical and emotional deception that has been subjected ... what can you expect from someone like that?. Not good.

The justification of our latent insecurities generation does not cause suffering around us. We must take responsibility absolute our seeds we sow and what we must do so with honor and humility. I can not use the excuse that those were different times before or at home not accept me. Do not serve me, because I have met extraordinary cases of persons of integrity, caring, creative and homosexuals who have lived in adverse circumstances and have not ever hurt anyone.

My mother told me not many months ago did she experience the 4 gays of his people. People were respected, responsible, hardworking and creative. They were loved ones because they ARE ACCEPTED AS? SAME and had no conflicts with his emotions despite living under the yoke of the dictator General Franco.

What the hell do I speak now?. The warriors who know who have no problems with acceptance. There are gay men who marry women and currently has contracts signed agreement to make the Paripe. If you hide, who has the problem?, Does the company or you?.

If you believe lies and more lies about you, who has the problem?, Does the company or you?. You who are generating conflict between who you want to be, and who represented to be. You are entirely responsible for your deceit-fiction.

Someone who knows who he is, does not conflict with itself, unless you believe what you feel is wrong or shameful or wrong. But note that no one is running your life, just you. You are the generator of comfort or discomfort.

Homosexuality is fictional misogynist by nature, does not support women's nature or essence ying, so you should surround yourself with yang energy to cover it, cover it up, drown it, distort it. That is why there are so many fashion designers who choose anorexic models, because they want to charge once and for all the curves of women. Anything that represents a woman has to be destroyed because I can not stand it, I can not deal with it. Hence the androgyny in fashion, especially among some gay designers. They confuse and distort the yin energy to make small, insignificant and void.

Homosexuality is one that appears dummy at the most crucial and the most traumatic moment of someone in your life due to a failure of personal identity, the bane of spiritual emotion.

I recently saw an interview where they asked teenagers what they thought of current sexuality and contraception. One of them quite clever and smart (she looks to be an Indigo) said that girls of 12 and 15 years had sex between them and who could not stand the "guys" and the more softies, the more it felt like to become lesbians . This is very strong. This is the point at which we arrive and we have reached. Sexuality is not a free choice but a widespread riot and a tremendous emotional escape. But no wonder, if the call rate is increasing domestic violence, what kind of references are girls and female adolescents?. Who do you have?. With Gaga and company, of course. With a staff of women and girls in this society unbalanced and constantly repeated actions by the "big brother "...¿ what can we expect?.

The collective insanity has reached a level sometimes so strong that the spiritual path becomes very hard and difficult. It is difficult to deal with one's own folly, imagine the collective. This is spiritual rafting and you have to be armed with the best team in all aspects.

And now I'll say something that perhaps many women feel offended. If this is your case, I congratulate you.

Sorry, but no wonder that so many men who want to be gay or ultimately relate to other men. The developmental level of the women leaves much to be desired, that's the truth, the great truth that feminists do not want to see and live. Among victims, addicts, shallow, unbalanced emotional, whiny, irresponsible and prostitutes ... if you were man, on which of these do you prefer?. I guess they give you less war. The developmental level of the woman has not reached its boom or glimpse. But as I said I am an avowed change of individual and collective, I must say that I have still hopes of planet earth some women who carry the banner of the reincarnated goddess, among which I include myself.

Homosexuality dummy implies the desire to be accepted by society, by the club, by the grupete of friends, family, the ex-girlfriend or ex-lovers, and so on. The warrior is a chicken pica who he likes or who would like to stop, it is he or she is it, period. Happiness does not depend on anything external or anyone outside of him or her.

The fictional homosexual exaggerates a feminine affectation for being who he is. Talk like a dick on and affected. Homosexuals do not need natural voice assholes because they know full well that women, not normally speak thus affected.

Another issue that worries me is quite interesting transsexuality. I've seen so many cases and so many people unhappy after getting corresponding physical changes that I've scared. A woman touches me closely and honestly, is the result of more misfortune ever see someone. I remember her as a beautiful girl, very intelligent and well liked by her classmates ... somewhere along the way something went wrong and became the overnight in a guy. So far so good. You'd think she was a lesbian and was discovered later, but ... more. He started taking drugs at the weekend without limits. Dressing like a man. But that light was not on her ... or him. She was gone. Until finally made the change of sex ... and today I do not know how to describe it. But I have never seen someone so unhappy, wretched and miserable as he .... It has a steady job, your partner (wife) and his family but there is something missing. Has lost a lot, has a horrible dark circles, has run out of hair and drags down the street as if he were living. There are changes that are achieved not only your body but your soul.

And of course, know who you are.

Living under the guidance of others or the opinions of others is to live unconsciously, and the short, be a slave.

It is a fact that sexuality is being manipulated more than today. While you do not know who you are, you will never feel comfortable in your skin. That's the only truth. And the emotional wounds are cleaned inside and not outside. Soul Deep wounds heal only at the source that caused it. Recognize that you are lost and deeply wounded is the first step to healing.

A few months ago asked: Why do the vast majority of transsexuals living by prostitution?. And it was with a purpose, and that is to heal. Someone who lives in prostitution and that did not resolve his sexuality is completely hurt someone, completely overwhelmed by an authoritative entity in childhood that has disrupted and damaged the depths of a child who is sexuality, the quintessential creative energy. We can not support that transsexuality outdated as we are accomplices absolute sexual abuse and psychological abuse by someone close to these people. We can not support prostitution in any way, because that tells us what kind of consciousness is latent in us, and that is NO.

Who supports this group living in prostitution should be viewed very well his own sexuality and their own emotional wound, because someone can not sustain healthy insanity and the imbalance more voracious.

* To be continued ...

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